The bus pirate Arduino shield is a discontinued item from Dangerous Prototypes. I picked up the PCB via a free PCB coupon a while back, built it a few months later, and then finally decided to use it because I think I have something to use it with. Note the key word – think. This is what happens when a traffic engineer plays with electronics.
The shield was not easy to get started with, mostly because I had to look (and look, and look) for source. I finally found it on Toby Jaffey’s Github Page. Once I loaded it, I found that connecting with Tera Term (and likely any terminal emulator) on that COM port using 19200 baud 8N1 no flow control worked and I was able to play around doing things like:
>led 1 (turns the mode LED on)
>led 3 (turns the mode LED to a fast blink)
led appears to be 0-6, with 0=off, 6=on, and 1-5 are blink rates, slow to fast.
help and version are pretty self-explanatory.
Stay tuned for more, but in the meantime, here’s a picture of the setup.
There’s going to be a lot more to post as I start into this. Incidentally, this is to assist with the Android App.