Tag Archives: cincinnati
- The nicest looking cannon ever.
- Robot that throws frisbees.
- Robot that throws small basketballs.
- Robots that move and lift.
- Ummm… Hi.
- Vintage stereos meet newer computers.
- 3D Printers.
- Power Tool Drag Racing (there’s a video below).
- More Power Tool Drag Racing
- This was an interesting plotter (for lack of better terms). The two wheels in the upper corners controlled the pen.
- Quadcopters. I’m not sure you could have a Maker Faire without ’em.
- Plush Toys.
- This was the drum set that controls the propane percussion.
- This is pretty neat. The “bees” on the sticks were moving up and down. Other items at this booth were solar powered windchimes.
- R2D2.
Category: General Stuff