Tag Archives: ground plane
As part of my attic antenna plans, I built a 2m groundplane antenna. This will ultimately be for an iGate/packet station/digipeater (maybe). I did this with some fairly simple construction out of coat hangers.
The first thing I did was make sure the hanger pieces weren’t aluminum. I don’t have any aluminum solder, and I don’t plan to get any.
The second thing I did was solder lugs on the ends of the radials. This was, of course, after sanding the ends and brushing flux on them. This was also after taking a small blowtorch to the coating on some of the hangers.
Next, I tapped the screw holes in the PL-259 chassis connector. Once I did that, I attached the radials and soldered the middle.
Taking pictures of antennas is not easy!
The SWR at the high end of the 2m band is less than 1.2:1, the low end (around 144.39) is closer to 1.5:1. Both within the acceptable limit (for my radio) of 2:1.