Tag Archives: running
I’m a runner, but you didn’t stray to my other website and I didn’t accidentally post running stuff to the wrong website. This is about volunteering to help at a race, specifically the Queen Bee Half Marathon and 4 Mile Race.
The position I’ve had at this race is shadowing the race director (RD). I’ve been doing this for four years now, so this is the accumulation of all that knowledge.
Obviously, charge both my HTs and gather related equipment (headsets, backup batteries). One of my HTs is a Wouxun, so check the programming (I do this early using last year’s frequencies and CTCSS tones and then check for any changes when the frequencies are released; CHIRP makes it easy to deal with this).
Since my position involves telling the race director about the progress of the race, I created a cheat sheet of tactical names, mileage, and callsigns. This way, I can tell the RD a location better than “water 4”.
The cheat sheet was nice to have – particularly because I was telling the RD things like “lead runner at mile 1.2” as opposed to “water 1”, which is a little past the marked mile. Additionally, I put a tick mark next to people as they checked in and noted the time when they were released.
Other stuff I tend to have with me:
- Small memo pad
- Pen
- Pocket knife
- Glasses wipe
- Hat (damn receding hairline and general baldness!)
Race Day
I arrive before my scheduled time, mostly because I park at my office (free, secure, and right where I tend to be released from). Find the RD (I know generally where to look, and know who to ask that can get me pointed towards him), and make sure he sees me (if he’s busy). I generally wait until this time to check in with NCS (net control station) as sometimes questions come in. If there are things the RD is doing that I can help with, I jump in and help.
The first race to start is the half marathon. After a half hour, the 4 mile race starts. This year (different from years past), I broadcast the count-down to the start of both races. The remainder is telling the RD where lead runners are and if there are any issues and relaying questions that need to be relayed. Fortunately, many of the stations have been doing this as long as I have (as long as the race itself), so there aren’t many questions anymore as we’ve all refined the process a little – for example, NCS makes sure I know if the lead runner is male or female (since this is the QUEEN BEE half, they would like the first finisher to be female).
Beyond that, I make sure the RD knows if there are a lot of runners dropping out or if I hear anything on the air that I think he needs to be aware of, but since this is become a well-oiled machine and the weather usually cooperates, there hasn’t been much.
Random Pictures
If I did this blog post when I should have, I likely had a reason for taking most of these. However, the race was in October and it’s now February, there’s no way I remember why I took these.
- Before the start
- Before the start
- Before the start
- Presenting the flag, just before the start
- Prep for the start
- Prep for the start
- The finish line for the 4 mile race moved, so the old finish line had this banner.
- Four mile finishers
- Four mile finishers
- Cars coming from Cars and Coffee down the road
- Cars coming from Cars and Coffee down the road
- Cars coming from Cars and Coffee down the road
- Cars coming from Cars and Coffee down the road
- This guy gets it…
- Me. Wearing a running shirt and a vest that is far too large for me because I’ve lost a shit ton of weight!
Friday was my first full 3 mile run. I had thought that Wednesday was the first, but after looking back at the track on the computer, I found that it was 2.75 miles. I’m not too happy about that.
My runs are 5 minutes walk warmup, 3.0 miles run, and 5 minutes walk cool-down. After the walk warmup on Friday’s run and a few hundred feet into the running portion, I pressed the status button on my earphones to hear the distance remaining. 2.74 miles. W. T. F?
I quickly stopped my workout on Endomondo and deleted the 5 minute warmup and restarted the workout. This time, after a few hundred feet, Endo said 2.99 miles remaining. Much better!
Towards the end of my run, I did have to make a route adjustment because of the Reds’ fireworks show for that evening closing part of the sidewalk for setup, but since the Reds beat the Pirates and continued their climb in first place, I’m okay with that.
It is now 6 days to my first 5K of the year, The Brian Rohne Memorial Run.
Everyone on Twitter that follows me (@ac8jo) knows I’ve been running. This is not a new thing to me, but unlike people like N8TFD and KB2HSH who can run marathons, I can’t.
Anyway, for the second time, I’ve embarked on the Couch to 5K plan with the intent to prepare for the Brian Rohne Memorial Run, which is a fundraiser for a scholarship and the NKU Cross Country team (and Brian Rohne is my late older brother).
This time things are a little different. For starters, I’ve looked harder at the C25K plan and realized that the times in the routines are not for me. I run too slow for those times, so I started using the distance intervals in Endomondo Pro. This makes things a lot harder, but also a lot better at preparing me for a 5K. I’ve noticed that I’m running a lot farther during my runs. I’m not a fast runner, but that will come in time. For now, I’d really like to be able to nail that 5K.