Tag Archives: thermoelectric cooler
Many years ago, I purchased a wine cooler on clearance at the local grocery store. I soon found why it was on clearance: it’s default set temperature was in the 30s (Fahrenheit) and it didn’t remember the set temperature after a power loss.
So the wine cooler sat for many years, unused. Until now.
I don’t drink wine, but I brew beer. In brewing, yeast like certain temperatures – mid-60s to low 70s for ales, and mid-50s for lagers. While I normally brew ales, every so often I like a nice lager (few things beat a nice Marzen in the fall, or a nice Bock in the spring).

Bottom of controller board. Note the blank line between the high and low voltage sides of the the supply.
After taking apart the cooler, I realized it’s basically a switching 120V – 12V power supply with a controller for a negative temperature coefficient temperature sensor. Without anything connected to the NTC pin, nothing happens. However, if I short the NTC pin to ground, it turns on the chiller. As seen below in the headache-inducing video, the device works.
This is the first part – the second part will be a controller. And at some point, I’ll have to figure out if I can actually use this to keep 5 gallons of beer cold.
Update: removed the smaller (cold side) heat sink to get the part number. It is a TEC1-12706.
At a hot side temperature of 25ºC:
Qmax (Watts) 50
Delta Tmax (ºC) 66
Imax (Amps) 6.4
Vmax (Volts) 14.4
Module Resistance (Ohms) 1.98